Automation Services IRC Bot

This bot sits in and helps out where it can and records what is happening in the channel. You can see what is happening on the Automation Services IRC Page.


Commands that start with : should be the first thing in a message. E.g. :yt Rick Astley - Never Gonna give you up in case you want to RickRoll someone. If you want to get the bot to send you a list of the commands you do /msg _AutomationBot help


This prints the help message


Gives you a link to Pastebin


Pass in your search and I will give you a youtube link


Just add bug xxxxxx to a conversation and it will show a summary of the bug. E.g. Have you see bug 670674? I can't wait for it to be implemented!!


Returns the GitHub to this page.


Type in the name project to get it's link or leave blank to get an entire list


Either returns the URL to the Google Group or a link with your search topic


Shows the details for the standup the team has twice a week


Shows details and a link to the meetings page

Please fork and reuse as you want. Email me at david dot burns at theautomatedtester dot co dot uk if you have any questions!

Fork me on GitHub